Monday 6 May 2013

Reserved Anger Against Government

I learned a new term when I was discussing with a friend and brother. He mentioned a phrase like three or more times in the course of our discussion. We were actually discussing the grounding of the Rivers State government’s plane and other matters of national interest. We were looking at what people are saying and what the House of Representatives were discussing on the matter. We also talked about the attitude of the citizenry as regards expectation of government and how they are being swayed by some people.

The term is Reserved Anger Against Government. There is a kind of anger and lack of trust that people tend to have towards government. This attitude is not towards the Jonathan administration only but to all governments. Whether federal, state or even local government! Some people might want to call it opposition but opposition is a little different from this.

People with this attitude don’t seem to see the government doing any good. They will find fault one way or the other from the actions of government. Their statements do not add value to governance rather pull government down and in some cases set the people against government. And some of these people are very vocal.

I also want to add that many of such people exist among the masses. It is not an elitist issue. Many people in the all rungs of the society exhibit this attitude. There is a kind of negative perception to the extent that they never see any good in what government does. Even a lot of those who listen to them have same attitude.
The opposition has a duty to say their opinion on what government is doing. They point out faults and 
shortcomings. They are not only to do that but also to make suggestions on how things can be done better. 

Our opposition in Nigeria is doing their role but what is missing that the later part of their duty which is suggesting to government. The people with reserved anger for government do not have same attitude and motive as the opposition although some members of opposition may have this attitude.

What may be responsible why people develop this attitude? There could be many reasons. I think one of them is the pull him down syndrome. Some people just cannot see that others succeed. Everything others do is just wrong. If the government builds a road, they find why it was not well done. They will just find a fault with it, no matter what.

Another reason which I believe is very important is the continuous failure of governments. We have had governments who have promised and failed woefully. We have had leadership whom we entrusted our all to and turn around to hurt us badly. We had people who have gone into government and do not have any clue as to what to do for the people. Some governments are so clueless that all they do is jump from one thing to the other without a certain course of action.

When you consider the second reason above you will agree with me that some people can develop this reserved anger against government. However, I will want to say that even though government after government have failed us we should at least acknowledge any good thing the government does and not see everything as being bad.

Another reason could be opposition gone wrong. Some people in the opposition think that when you are in opposition you must find fault with the government. So at every time they are only looking for loopholes. And shout it over the roof when they see one. My opinion is that opposition should be proper opposition and do it right. When the opposition sees anything wrong they should point it out as well as follow it with the alternative ways to get result. After all both government and opposition are out to serve us the citizenry.

There will be a rejoinder to this write up so watch out.




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