Saturday 20 April 2013

Reawakening The Political Animal In Me

I was with a colleague this evening and we had a long discussion. We talked on a lot of subjects spanning governance in Nigeria, people in government, the impunity of politicians, the legions of problems bedeviling Nigeria.

We talked about jobs, managers and subordinate relationship. We talked about finances, life as workers and the ultimate plan B. We even talked about retirement and pension. We talked about people cutting corners and asked ourselves what hope for Nigeria. What a long talk!

We finally exchange some business ideas on how to contribute to this country. We are looking forward to making some difference and putting in our own quota. Let me just implore you all to be on the look out. We are coming out big.

On my way back, I started reminiscing on the past. My political activities in school. Campaign and all that. Standing election, losing and then winning. Occupying positions. Being in committees. The agitations. The attacks on my person. I remember I was labelled a cult member because I won an election.

I remember that some people were asking me what happened to my political life. Whether I was going to contest elections in my local government or state or even at federal level. I remember telling them that I was not thinking about it,

After this discussion, I asked myself why am I sitting on the fence? Will my attitude help achieve the growth this country needs? Are those in government, who are plunging this country into the quagmire we find ourselves today, better than me? So why can't I also get into government and make a difference?

Even if I am not holding elective position or an appointment in government, can't I contribute in other ways? Can't I speak out against injustice? Can't I say what is right and what is wrong? Can't I make suggestions to government for a change? Can't I create an avenue for others to participate in the struggle?

So many questions on my mind, So many things I wish I can do. Now I have taken a stand. I am awakening the political me. I have a role to play in the politics of this country and I am in the struggle to bring a change. The world had better be prepared, I am on my way.

Who wanna join the train?




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