Friday 26 April 2013

Who Is Responsible For Our Problem, Nigeria?

The Nigerian movie industry has been growing in leaps and bounds. Progress is being made in different aspects of the film industry. The content has drastically improved in quality. There was a time that after watching a Nollywood movie for 10 minutes you can tell the end of the story.

I know many people still have their researvation about Nollywood productions. Many even have sworn not to watch any Nigerian movies. I watch the movies and I enjoy many of the storylines. I can categorically say that they are improving.

I was watching ome this morning when a woman made this statement to her son. She said, "Weak men blame others for their problems when they fail but real men don't blame others for everything, they take responsibility for whatever happens to them."

I have heard this statement several times. I have even uttered it to in my discussions and presentations. I agree that this statement is all true. It is common practice to blame others for whatever happen. The only person we hardly blame is ourselves. If a person fails an exam he says they failed me. If he loses his job he says they fired me. Whatever happens someone else must take the blame.

I want to ask a question today. Who is responsible for Nigeria's problems? I have heard name calling when it comes to discussing our problems in Nigeria. Some people will blame the military, others will blame the politicians. Some want to blame the civil servants while every Nigerian has also been fingered as a cause of our problem.

I have not taken any position in this write up because the purpose of this is to ask this question. I really want you to share your opinion with me. If you identify the culprit, please also add a reason why you think he/she is responsible for our problem.

Please, let us share our opinion.




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