Sunday 21 April 2013

Thinking vs Worrying

I have heard many people say that someone became hypertensive because he/she was thinking too much. While I won't want to discuss the causes of hypertension, I want to talk about what people mean when they say someone is thinking too much.

The question that comes to mind is whether people are really thinking or worrying.

So I decided to check the dictionary for the meaning of the root words (Think and Worry):

Think means to ponder, to go over in one's mind, to communicate to oneself in one's mind, to try to find solution to a problem.

Worry means to be troubled and to give to mental anxiety.

It is a known fact that stress is detrimental to one's health especially as relates to someone's blood pressure. Of thinking and worrying which one can cause stress? Back to what people say, is it thinking that causes hypertension or worrying?

What I observed is that people worry on issues and say they are thinking. When you worry you put yourself under stress and hurt your body as a consequence. Worrying is an unproductive endeavour and should be avoided as much as possible.

On the other hand, thinking is a productive act. When you think you put your brain to work and the result is solution to the task you gave it. I encourage that we do a lot more thinking. Task your brain with any challenges you have and it will produce the solution.

As it relates to our challenges in Nigeria especially in our political arena, I implore us not to worry because worrying does not solve any problems. Let us put on our thinking cap and get our brains to work out a solution that is how problems are solved. Our political problems can only be solved if all citizens can put hands together and get thinking to get a way out of this quagmire.

Both the political class and the followers have a role to play. We should not leave it to the political class, after all we are saying they cause the problem. We have a role to play and the beginning is to start thinking of a way out. Silence or complacency is not the answer. The solution is on the way and it will come from our thinking.




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